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Botox Injections


It is derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It produces a toxin which is purified and used to produce anti-wrinkle. When a very small amount of the BOtulinum TOXin protein is injected into a muscle, it interferes with nerve impulses and prevents the muscle from contracting.

As a result of paralysing specific muscles it is possible to prevent the formation of wrinkles in that area. This was noted by doctors who first started using Botox to prevent squints and eye spasms, but also saw that a side-effect in these patients was a reduction of wrinkles around the eye. It is now commonplace to use Botox in its cosmetic form wrinkle-reduction treatment.


When injected into the appropriate muscle, botox works by causing muscle relaxation, thus diminishing or eliminating the dynamic wrinkle. After treatment, the patient will still be able to smile and frown, but will look fresher and less wrinkled.

The treatment you receive will start to work in a few days and will have reached it’s full effect after two weeks, when treatment will be reviewed and altered if required.


Whether you want to treat frown lines, or give yourself a brow lift to look more refreshed and awake, Jessence Aesthetics can help you!


Botox is the trade name by which Botulinum Toxin A is widely known. It is a proven and safe treatment, which has been in use for over 16 years. It works by paralysing the small muscles for a period lasting a few months. If the muscles can not move, wrinkles are prevented, as they are a direct results of contracting forehead, eye and mouth muscles.


Common Botox Treatment Areas:

  • Forehead Lines

  • Glabellar Lines (Frown)

  • Crow’s Feet (side of the eyes)

  • Jelly Roll

  • Smokers lines

  • Brow lift

  • Bunny lines

  • Down turn smile

  • Lip flip

  • Pebble chin

  • Excess sweating

  • Jaw slimming

  • Nefertiti neck list/ platysmal bands

  • Jaw slimming


Are anti-wrinkle treatments for me? 

Anti-wrinkle treatments can be used to temporarily weaken facial muscles, causing lines to diminish after treatment as the muscles no longer contract. If anti-wrinkle treatment injections are used to treat lines that are very shallow, then often these disappear completely. If the lines are deep and permanent then other treatments such as Dermal Fillers, micro-needling and medical grade skin peels may be required for best results. If you start regular treatments with anti-wrinkle treatment injections before permanent lines start, then you will delay and possibly prevent wrinkles appearing, helping to maintain a youthful appearance. The treatment itself involves a series of tiny injections into the target muscles where the lines occur. Most patients find the treatment causes mild discomfort at the time of injection. There may be slight swelling which usually subsides after about 20 minutes or so. Occasionally bruising occurs. 

The effects of the treatment will be noticeable 3-4 days later but may take up to 2 weeks for the full effect. It is at this time point that patients return for a review. Results generally last between 3-6 months and often longer if the patient chooses to have successive treatments. Complications are uncommon but can occur. The most common side effects are a headache, possible bruising, redness at the injection site. In unusual circumstances, patients may experience heaviness of the brow known as browptosis or very rarely an eyelid droop know as an eyelid ptosis. Fortunately, with bespoke dosing and thorough understanding of the facial anatomy these complication are rare.

Plastic Surgery

Learn more about the areas we treat with anti-wrinkle

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3 common anti-wrinkle treatment areas

The most common 3 areas for anti-wrinkle treatment are crows feet around the eyes, frown and forehead.

Jawline slimming

 It targets the masseter muscles, which are in charge of chewing and clenching. This treatment can reduce the look of a square jaw, creating a softer and more feminine or masculine face

Nefertiti neck lift

The Nefertiti lift targets the platysma band of muscles that run vertically from the bottom of the face to your collarbone. This aims to reduce the signs of ageing on the neck while lifting and tightening the jawline. 

Lower face anti-wrinkle treatments

Lip Flip: The injection temporarily relaxes the muscles around your lip. This causes the part of your upper lip that’s inside your mouth to “flip” upward and outward, giving your lip a fuller appearance.

Smokers/kissing lines: This injection temporarily relaxes the orbicularis oris muscle that cause the wrinkles to appear, this softens the appearance of the wrinkles themselves

Downturn smile: By injecting tiny amounts of Botox precisely into the DAO muscles on either side of the mouth, we can achieve a targeted relaxation effect. With the DAO muscle relaxed, the constant downward pull on the corners of your mouth is lessened, resulting in a subtle yet noticeable lift and a more upturned appearance.

Gummy smile: Injecting into the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle which is responsible for lifting the upper lip when we smile. This decreases upper lip hyperactivity to achieve a natural, non-gummy smile. 


Pebble/orange peel chin: Most clients seeing treatment for pebble/orange peel chin are looking to eliminate a rough texture that has developed  on their chin due to hyperactive mentalis muscle, which leaves lots of thin or cross-hatched lines across the surface of the chin. By relaxing the mentalis muscle, the hyperactivity is reduced, thus preventing the formation of lines. 

Upper face anti-wrinkle treatments

Forehead: The injection temporarily relaxes the frontalis muscle of your forehead which prevents the development of static wrinkles on the forehead. This must be paired with frown to prevent eyebrow heaviness and drooping.

Frown: This injection temporarily relaxes the Procerus and corrugator muscles to prevent static frown wrinkles.

Crowsfeet: This injection temporarily relaxes the orbicularis oculi muscles which reduces the movement around the eyes when squinting, smiling etc. 

Jelly roll: injected into the muscle under the eye, which can fold up when you smile and create the namesake “jelly roll.” Relaxing the muscle shrinks the jelly roll—meaning the eye size stays open wider when smiling


Bunny lines: Bunny lines or bunny wrinkles are the facial wrinkles you see on either side of your nose when you wrinkle it. 

Eyebrow lift: strategically injecting a into certain muscles at the tail of your eyebrow can relax said muscles that pull the eyebrows downward. This allows the muscles that lift the brows to work more effectively, resulting in a slight lift. Paired with frown and crows feet for maximum effect. 

Frequently asked questions

How long does anti-wrinkle treatment last?

 The aesthetic effects of botulinum toxin last for an average of 3-4 months but will vary depending on the condition of the skin, area treated, amount of product injected, injection technique and lifestyle factors such as sun exposure and smoking. It is important to note that facial movement starts to reappear around 6-8 weeks and gradually increases.

It is also common for first timers to notice that the results may not last aslong initially but may last longer after the second treatment. Everyone has a unique experience and results may vary.

The procedure can be repeated after 3 months; however, injections given less than 3-month intervals may reduce the efficacy of the injections.

Is there any side effects associated with treatment?

Every procedure involves a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved. An individual's choice to undergo a procedure is based on the comparison of the risk to potential benefit. 

Common side effects can include:
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Bleeding
- Pain at injection site
- Headache
- Flu like symptoms
- Itchiness
- Double vision
- Spock brow

These usually resolve in two days - 2 weeks.

Possible complications include:
- Muscle weakness
- Brow ptosis (drooping of the brows)
- Eyelid ptosis (drooping of eyelids)

These complications typically last until the anti-wrinkle wears off completely around 3 months, but may be longer in some cases.

What aftercare do I need to follow after treatment?

For best results you should follow the below aftercare:

- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
- Avoid Ibuprofen and aspirin for 24 hours
- Avoid intense exercise for 48 hours 
- Avoid hot baths/shower for 24 hours
- Avoid touching/rubbing your face for 48 hours
- Avoid steam from hot drinks touching your face
- Avoid swimming, hot tubs, saunas for 2 weeks
- Avoid facials/massages for 2 weeks
- Avoid any further aesthetic treatments in that area for 2 weeks

Be patient, full results can take up to two weeks to be seen

Price list

Lip flip £130
Smokers/kissing lines £130
Jelly roll £130
Bunny lines £130
Pebble chin/orange peel £130
Downturn smile £130
Gummy smile £130
Crows feet £150
Frown £150

Two areas £180
Three areas £200
Four areas £250
Brow lift £190
Jawline slimming £260
Nefereti neck lift £320

*All anti-wrinkle treatments have a 2 week review appointment.

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